“It’s irritating that day after day and increasingly, in the heart of the pandemic, the media does not explain the functioning of our immune system".
Constantly, we are invited to seek external protection that will save us: buying masks, buying chemical filled sanitizers without specifying that they should not be used for several days in a row because they will eliminate the first natural immune barrier of our body: bacteria and lipid film of our skin, which is a barrier to viruses. This is also due to the excessive use of antibacterial products in recent years, and a misunderstanding about the role of bacteria in our immunity. Our bodies become more sensitive year by year.
Let's prioritise classic soap!
At what point, was it explained to the population that everyone has the ability to naturally strengthen their immune system in a few days (young people) or in a few weeks? This certainly would not prevent the spread of the virus, but it would strengthen our defenses against it and therefore reduce the proportion of serious cases, to heal much faster at home.
Why not engage in platform information channels, which dedicate 95 % of their time on this subject for several weeks, to health professionals talking about prevention, such as nutritionists, naturopaths, herbalists, who could carry out a huge work of information and prevention and so relieve the doctors on the front lines?
Tell people that eating trash, such as industrial products, processed and refined foods is the first thing that destroys our immune defenses.
That the efficiency of our immune system closely depends on the quality of our intestinal flora and therefore the quality of what we eat.
Therefore, raw vegetables and fruits are the best way to quickly strengthen our mineral reserves, necessary for immunity.
Explain that fasting strengthens the immune system in just 3 days.
Talk about the benefits of a cold shower that in a few days increases the level of certain T lymphocytes.
Talk about the effectiveness of antiviral essential oils? Also vitamin C in high doses and minerals like zinc and selenium.
Talk about the importance of physical activity and recent studies that prove the rapid effectiveness of yoga to strengthen the immune system.
Explain that fear is an immunosuppressant and that anxiety weakens you daily. The media preys on this.
Explain to the people they have within them a potential defense and healing that is infinitely more powerful than any drug in the world and can be activated quickly. Our body is a real healing machine.
In this period when we finally have time, it's time to take an interest in our own functioning, claim our personal power, take control of our health and our future.”